✏衛生福利部陳時中部長與美國衛生及公共服務部 Alex Azar 部長舉行雙邊電話會議
✏Bilateral Virtual Meeting between Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare Chen and Secretary Azar of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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我國衛生福利部部長陳時中與美國衛生及公共服務部部長阿札爾(Alex Azar II)於臺灣時間 4 月 27 日晚間 8 時(美東時間 4 月 27 日上午 8 時)舉行雙邊電話會議。會中阿札爾部長讚許臺灣在對抗 COVID-19 疫情之成就,並感謝我國捐贈口罩,雙方就防疫策略進行深入交流,也交換彼此對於全球衛生安全及其他重要衛生議題之看法,尤其是臺灣應完整參與世界衛生組織(WHO)之議題。
Minister Shih-Chung Chen had a fruitful meeting with US HHS Secretary Alex Azar about 🇹🇼-🇺🇸 cooperation on #COVID19 containment and Taiwan’s inclusion in WHO. Both sides agreed to
have further cooperation. Great thanks for the firm support🤝. #TogetherStronger
分享 衛生福利部
#衛福編編報報<br> ✏衛生福利部陳時中部長與美國衛生及公共服務部 Alex Azar 部長舉行雙邊電話會議<br> ✏Bilateral Virtual Meeting between Taiwan’s Minister of Health and Welfare Chen and Secretary Azar of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services<br> … 更多<br> 我國衛生福利部部長陳時中與美國衛生及公共服務部部長阿札爾(Alex Azar II)於臺灣時間 4 月 27 日晚間 8 時(美東時間 4 月 27 日上午 8 時)舉行雙邊電話會議。會中阿札爾部長讚許臺灣在對抗 COVID-19 疫情之成就,並感謝我國捐贈口罩,雙方就防疫策略進行深入交流,也交換彼此對於全球衛生安全及其他重要衛生議題之看法,尤其是臺灣應完整參與世界衛生組織(WHO)之議題。<br> <br> Minister Shih-Chung Chen had a fruitful meeting with US HHS Secretary Alex Azar about 🇹🇼-🇺🇸 cooperation on #COVID19 containment and Taiwan’s inclusion in WHO. Both sides agreed to have further cooperation. Great thanks for the firm support🤝. #TogetherStronger<br> <br> 📗Twitter Link:https://twitter.com/MOHW_Taiwan/status/1254780189172621312?s=20<br> 📗中文新聞稿:https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-16-52947-1.html<br> 📗英文新聞稿:https://www.mohw.gov.tw/cp-115-52948-2.html