國立歷史博物館現為閉舘整建期間,暫不開放參觀,敬請見諒。   100 臺北市台北市南海路49號
【#疫情期間做什麼?-Part IV】 藝術無國界-「2021世界華人藝術家百年身影」英文版上線囉!
史博館繼2月推出的「2021世界華人藝術家百年身影」中文主題網站之後,即日再以英文版與各位線上相見歡,陪您「宅」家防疫不妨藝。 本網站打破語言藩籬,邀請更多海外朋友認識1922年出生,今年滿100歲的世界華人藝術家的創作與成就。其中「Treasures of the NMH… 更多 Collection」(史博珍藏)單元,介紹8位本館典藏作品的藝術家:專精各種書體的書法家王軼猛、身兼小說家和水彩畫家身分的王藍、「攝影三劍客」之一李鳴鵰、戰後臺灣重要抽象版畫藝術家周瑛、攝影百年世家「林寫真館」傳人林權助、擅長花鳥人物的溥心畬女弟子曾其、臺灣前輩設計師廖未林,以及用繽紛油彩描繪臺灣礦業風貌的畫家蔣瑞坑,他們以不同媒材的創作觸發觀眾對美的感受。 本網站以英文深入淺出地介紹傑出世界華人藝術家,讓熱愛藝術的朋友能透過不同語言在線上親近藝術! Faced with the challenges wrought by COVID-19, exhibition quality worldwide has been greatly affected.
Last year, NMH launched the “2020: Chinese Artists Turn 100” website to introduce Chinese artists who were born in 1921 and turned 100 in 2020. This year, the museum has launched another site, covering artists who were born in 1922 and will celebrate their 100th birthday in 2021. As there were multitudes of artists and creators born in 1922, some profiles will regretfully not be included due to lack of accessible information about their lives. ◆網址連結Website:https://exhibitonline.nmh.gov.tw/En/index.html #史博好展覽