AIT及各國使節代表在台灣常和許多政黨進行交流,我們的國際友人許多更是中文流利,甚至還有會講閩南語、客家話的,我們相信只要有心,語言不是交流的問題。 民進黨國際部也要告訴大家,在正式外交場合使用本國語言是合理且合乎禮儀的。另外,也別忘了有種專業叫做「翻譯」。透過專業翻譯,外交溝通可以更精準到位。 民進黨國際部有許多翻譯人才,包含英、日、法、俄文等多國語言,歡迎各方好手加入,若有需要支援的地方歡迎洽詢。<br> #… 更多英文不流利也可以交流<br> #不要找理由 AIT and many other foreign missions in Taiwan conduct frequent exchanges with political parties. Many of our international friends are in fact fluent in Chinese, and some can even speak Minnan and Hakka. If we make an effort, language is not a barrier or an excuse for exchanges. DPP International Affairs Department wants to share with everyone that using our native language is of diplomatic etiquette. There is a profession called “interpretation.” Through professional interpretation, diplomatic exchanges can be even more precise. DPP International Affairs Department is also equipped with staff that are well-versed in English, Japanese, French, Russian and so on. We always welcome new talent and are ready to provide assistance where needed.