網購價:NT$ 600元,限時價:NT$ 396元(含運)
在921 地震後,桂花媽媽結合社區媽媽及外籍配偶在東勢大茅埔客家庄,種植2,000… 更多 株桂花樹,秉持「只要不放棄希望,富貴必定相隨」的信念成立「桂花小舖」,並以客家文化為主軸,研製各種桂花產品,如桂花蜜、桂花梅醋、桂花茶及桂花牛軋糖等,產品除講求健康養生外,更選用環保材質作為禮盒包材,以傳達百年東方桂花滋味。
After the 921 earthquake, Mother Osmanthus joined in efforts with other mothers in the community and foreign partners. Together they planted 2,000 osmanthus trees in the Hakka village of Damaopu, Dongshi and founded“Osmanthus Shop” based on the belief that “where there is hope, there is wealth and prosperity.” They developed various kinds of osmanthus products such as osmanthus honey, osmanthus plum vinegar, osmanthus tea, and osmanthus nougat symbolic of Hakka culture. The products are healthy, come in environmentally friendly gift boxes and are meant to introduce to others the perennial good ¬avor of oriental osmanthus.