國立臺灣博物館 National Taiwan Museum, 台北市。 107,705 個讚 · 1,326 人正在談論這個 · 114,089 個打卡次。臺博館除了228公園內的本館,還有古生物館、南門館與鐵道部園區,邀你一起發現萬物的精彩!
🈲️2019新型冠狀病毒 為防範2019新型冠狀病毒疫情,讓大眾安心參觀博物館展覽和參加相關教育活動。本館配合政府推動防疫措施:
3.如出現發燒、咳嗽、呼吸急促等不適症狀,敬請戴上口罩儘速就醫,或請主動告知,由本館服務人員協助您撥打防疫專線1922(或0800-001922)通報。… 更多 Prevention and control measurements for viral pneumonia
To prevent the 2019 Novel Coronavirus from spreading, please follow the instructions below:
1.Disinfectant and forehead thermometers are available at the information desk.
2.Please wear a hygiene mask while coughing and wash your hands with soap regularly.
3.If you have any symptoms such as fever, cough,shortness of breath,please wear a mask and go to a doctor as soon as possible; or you may inform the attendants at the information desk, They will help call the toll-free hotline 1922 (or 0800-001922). 防疫期間,臺博館定與大家共同守護安全且優良的參觀環境。 2019新型冠狀病毒👉 Q&A https://bit.ly/2U0sLR1
最新消息及疫情訊息👉https://bit.ly/2NTJp0J #防疫安全人人有責
#臺博館與您共同守護健康與家園 #NTM #臺博館 疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人 衛生福利部 文化部