美國國務院東亞暨太平洋事務局副助卿黃之瀚(Alex Wong)日前來台訪問,昨天他在華府對媒體簡報,報告美國的印太戰略和台灣行,其中提到:「Certain Taiwan’s democracy is an example for the entire Indo-Pacific(台灣是印太區域的典範)」… 更多 定宇必須說,這就是我們一直希望,能有更多華府決策圈的朋友,能實地到台灣的理由,這就是「台灣旅行法」希望促成的改變,直接瞭解台灣,不是經由中國的資訊,不是經由媒體、智庫報告。
This is why we believe, by visiting Taiwan, the decision-makers in Washington D.C. will gain a better understanding of our situation internationally. This is the kind of change that we hope the “Taiwan Travel Act” can bring about. I hope our friends from the international community can get to know Taiwan better by directly connecting with the people here, rather than through media and academic reports. Through China to understand Taiwan will be even worse. 台灣有許多缺點待努力改進,但是台灣的經濟活力、民主多元、和捍衛自己的決心,絕對是印太地區的典範!
There are many areas where Taiwan can improve itself on; yet, our vibrant economy, multicultural democracy and our resolve to defend ourselves certainly make Taiwan the beckon of freedoms in the Indo-Pacific region. https://www.ait.org.tw/remarks-deputy-assistant-secretary-state-alex-wong-american-chamber-commerce-taipei-hsieh-nien-fan/
Remarks by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Alex Wong at the American Chamber of Commerce in Taipei Hsieh Nien Fan | American Institute in Taiwan
The United States supports Taiwan’s closer economic integration with its neighbors in East Asia, Southeast Asia and South Asia, as well as in the Pacific. Taiwan’s contribution to a network of cross-cutting linkages will strengthen the rules-based fabric of the region and ensure its free and ope...