網購價:NT$ 400元,限時價:NT$ 264元(含運)
高峰照相館創立於1956 年,以無數的老照片見證了苗栗三義發展的歷史。早期的客家人非常節儉,30… 更多 年前林子峵的祖母自行醃漬酸梅,因為它的酸與鹹,而成了最下飯的配菜。隨著台灣經濟起飛,吃酸梅已不只配飯,還可當零食,高峰照相館承襲傳家好味道,改良酸梅的酸度與鹹度,更在外觀與口感上作提升,讓吃酸梅的文化,變得更加精緻。
Founded in 1956, Gao Feng Photo Studio has numerous old photos that bear witness to the development of Sanyi Township in Miaoli County, as well as the famous preserved plums, first made by Lin Zirong’s grandmother 30 years ago. The early Hakka people were known for their frugality, and preserved plums were considered an appetizing accompaniment to rice because of the tartness and savory taste. As Taiwan’s economy took off, preserved plums became a snack as well as an appetizer, and in response, Gao Feng changed the taste of their preserved plums. In recent years, further improvements were made to the product’s appearance and texture, giving more sophistication to the enjoyment of preserved plums.