網購價:NT$ 450元,限時價:NT$ 297元(含運)
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Hankeng Village in Xinpu Township is the original rural area in Taiwan where dried persimmons were first produced. Because a large amount of persimmon skins are generated during the process of producing dried persimmons, thus the concept was born of combining environmental protection with the idea of refining these discarded persimmon skins produced during the processing of persimmons into a persimmon dye material for use in dyeing fabrics. The persimmon dyed fabrics are then used to make chopsticks sleeves, and unique patterned name card holders, as well as to develop a series of tea products, thereby creating value-added benefits to this Hakka Culture industry.
台灣客家等路大街 - 名片夾
名片夾 喜歡 已喜歡新埔鎮旱坑里為臺灣柿餅製作的原鄉,在柿餅製作過程中,會產生大量的柿子皮,我們結合環保概念,利用加工過程之廢棄柿皮,提煉出柿染料以染製布料,將柿染布製作成筷子包、獨特紋樣的名片夾,並開發茶席系列商品,創造客家文化產業的加值效益。Hankeng Village in Xinpu Township is the original rural area in Taiwan where dried persimmons were first produced. Because a large amount of persimmon skins are generated during...