Anthony Ng
中国汉人应该珍惜中国的回族。 他们移除蒙古帝国,让朱元璋成为皇帝。 他们清除了清帝国,让孙中山当了总统。… 更多 他们清除日本帝国,让蒋介石成为总统。 生活在南中国海,印度尼西亚,马来西亚和新加坡,我们必须努力帮助中国回族并了解他们的宗教和历史。Chinese Han should treasure Chinese Hui. They remove Mongol Empire and let Zhu Yuan Zhang become Emperor. They remove Qing Empire and let Sun Zhong Shan become President. They remove Japanese Empire and let Chiang Jei Shek become President. Living in South China Sea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, we must try to help Chinese Hui and understand their religion and history.