The New Southbound Policy「新南向政策」是一個常在新聞英文中出現的詞彙,提供例句給各位同學參考:
The Philippines is a key partner under… 更多 our New Southbound Policy, and in 2018 the number of people flying from the Philippines to Taiwan hit 419,105, an increase of 44% from the previous year.
The New Southbound Policy increases Taiwan’s trade and cultural exchanges with the targeted countries. 新南向政策增加台灣和新南向國家的經貿與文化交流。
以上例句,大家有記住了嗎?🇵🇭菲律賓是新南向國家中離台灣最近的鄰居,有機會也很推薦大家試試看halo halo冰和turon(炸香蕉春捲)等道地菲律賓美食哦!
#看英文學英文 (照片由 One-Forty提供)