11/11【蜜拉看展】臺博館也有波蘭語導覽 11/11 波蘭女孩x台灣男孩 在家環遊世界 的蜜拉來臺博館聽Marcin以波蘭語介紹臺博館建築與歷史,對蜜拉來說不僅對臺博館提供波蘭語服務覺得親切,也能進一步認識臺博館與一部份臺灣的歷史。蜜拉也分享了她來聽導覽後的心得,以及從她的角度看臺灣與波蘭的歷史和文化的相似性與差異性。 波蘭女孩x台灣男孩聊波蘭【波蘭女孩看展覽】 … 更多https://youtu.be/_9SLJ4QDdJA
Following the Second World War, both Taiwan and Poland emerged as authoritarian single-party states.
While geopolitics of authoritarianism were very different in the two countries - Taiwan was supported by the United States whereas Poland fell under the Soviet influence - their regimes shared many similarities.
One notable example includes strict assimilation policies.… 更多