王定宇。 305,189 個讚 · 20,210 人正在談論這個。政治人物
美國國會審查「2018財政年度國防授權法案」,繼參議院通過後,眾議院在7月14日以344對81票通過,內容包括強化與台灣的國防合作,例如允許美國、台灣軍艦泊靠對方港口等! 定宇看到的衝擊:
1.中共解放軍嗆「美艦停靠台灣,就擊沈」,其實...紙老虎若有能力動手,在南海中建礁就可以動了,只怕紙老虎ㄧ動手,軍力被打回20年前。… 更多 2.美國這個決議若是經過川普簽署成立,將大大提升台灣防禦縱深、國防安全,也讓台美軍事同盟關係再提升。 3.這個決策,也是美方因應中共自2013年開始的「西太平洋遠海訓練」,這個訓練劍指關島、嘉手納美軍基地,一旦台美軍艦可以互相泊靠對方港口,台灣東方的宮古海峽,對中共而言,通過的風險會提高。 Washington, July 14 (CNA) The U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018 in a full session Friday that includes clauses backing expanded military exchanges with Taiwan and amendments on the matter of Taiwan ports of call by the U.S. Navy. Assurances are again included in a section regarding Taiwan in the bill, which cleared the House in a vote 344-81. http://m.focustaiwan.tw/news/afav/201707150010.aspx

U.S. House passes act backing closer military ties with Taiwan | Most Viewed | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS

Washington, July 14 (CNA) The U.S. House of Representatives passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2018 in a full session Friday that includes clauses backing expanded military exchanges with Taiwan and amendments on the matter of Taiwan ports of call by the U.S. Navy.
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