壯遊體驗學習網, 台北市。 63,690 個讚 · 15 人正在談論這個。壯遊體驗學習網(youthtravel.tw/)為教育部青年發展署建置的網站,提供青年壯遊體驗學習活動與服務相關資訊,鼓勵青年認識鄉土,行遍臺灣。
"Let's be Friends! Go Go! Universiade Taipei 2017 & Youth Travel Spots " GET one of the Universiade limited Youth Travel Spot event
2017 Universiade ticket and souvenir #The youths aged 18 to 30 (born from… 更多 1/1/1987 to 12/31/1999)
#Do the public post and tag at least 3 friends in personal social media website(s)
#Fill out the Application(https://goo.gl/1E3v8A)