國立臺灣博物館 National Taiwan Museum, 台北市。 107,705 個讚 · 1,326 人正在談論這個 · 114,089 個打卡次。臺博館除了228公園內的本館,還有古生物館、南門館與鐵道部園區,邀你一起發現萬物的精彩!
April 9, Sunday【Multilingual Tour- English】 National Taiwan Museum provides 2 sessions of free English tours every Sunday afternoon, at 14 o’clock and 15 o’clock respectively. Theme: The Architecture and… 更多 History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
Duration: 30 minutes Venue: Information Center of the Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei) Registration: Register before the tour at the information center. 嗨!4/9(日)下午2點和3點各有一場英語的定時導覽,歡迎新住民、移工朋友、外籍旅客現場報名參加。有關導覽場次與活動詳情,請參考博物館網頁~ http://event.culture.tw/NTM/portal/Registration/C0103MAction?actId=70017 費用:活動免費,須購票入館
四月起每週日下午臺博館將有固定的英語導覽,本周將由來自澳洲的Phoebe帶國際朋友認識博物館! Phoebe現為臺灣大學交換生,她的專長與興趣為歷史,歡迎周日帶國際朋友來與Phoebe交流~
Starting from April, the Museum will offer regular English tour every Sunday afternoon. Phoebe will be guiding the tour this Sunday! She is from Australia and interested in history. Feel free to come and explore the Museum and Taiwan's history with Phoebe! #ntm #臺博館 #多語導覽服務