April 2, Sunday【Multilingual Tour- English】 National Taiwan Museum provides 2 sessions of free English tours every Sunday afternoon, at 14 o’clock and 15 o’clock respectively. Theme: The Architecture and… 更多 History of National Taiwan Museum (1908)
Duration: 30 minutes
Venue: Information Center of the Main Building (No.2, Xiangyang Rd., Zhong Zhen District, Taipei)
Registration: Register before the tour at the information center. 嗨!4/2(日)下午2點半和3點半各有一場英語的定時導覽,歡迎新住民、移工朋友、外籍旅客現場報名參加。有關導覽場次與活動詳情,請參考博物館網頁~ http://event.culture.tw/NTM/portal/Registration/C0103MAction?actId=70017 費用:活動免費,須購票入館
四月起每週日下午臺博館將有固定的英語導覽,由來自西班牙的Iago打頭陣。Iago… 更多