it was not problem only from the… 更多 Govert., Maybe our human being of the self-fish from our "Open and Revolution", too many people was target earning more "Money",(Money is power), you see our PRC people, After above action, their behavior on this world, you can see the "Singapore case of crash at the cross road", The Private car's owner was come from PRC and girl friend was PRC's TV artist, his wife stay in home, They've too much money was change, is it...?this was not sat the "Open and Revolution was right or wrong", it was let me our thinking for the 還政於民30多年,我們的偉大議員做足為此---(真的為弱勢社群的窮人嗎?).很多政治家,美而其言。慎重其事.^o^Their post was much more salary and rich people to more rich, poor people was lower poor people, but their slogan for help our poor people"争取甚么隔代貧穷唱的是别人的歌".30多年來為的高官厚薪,窮人永遠好象是窮人.....:((