尺寸:71×59×143 cm
重量:119 kg 本機的形式是屬於1838年美國人D.… 更多 Bruce所發明的手搖鑄字機,由日本人改良後,1930年代中南鑄字廠購入,用於鑄造大號數的鉛合金活字,供活字版的排印。機身主要結構分為鑄型與鉛鍋兩個部份,鑄型上可配裝各種字體銅模,鉛鍋中裝載由燃煤加熱熔化的鉛,後期因為瓦斯的普及,而改用瓦斯加熱熔鉛,燃煤槽部分零件便已佚失,經手搖動力使熔鉛注入字模而鑄出鉛字,為台灣最早期的鑄字機形式。鑄字機本身並無冷卻系統與修邊設計,因此,初鑄的字必須待其自然冷卻後,以手工方式在鉛字尾鉋床上面進行修邊,完成後才可使用。存放於本館地下一樓開放式典藏庫。 Title:Hand Powered Type Casting Machine
Dimensions:71×59×143 cm
Weight:119 kg The earliest hand power type casting machine was invented by D. Bruce in the US in 1838. This collection was manufactured during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan in the 1930s which was used by Chungnan Type Casting Co. and was a model modified by the Japanese to cast large sizes of metal alloyed types for typography. It mainly consisted of two parts: lead pan and casting mold. A lead pan was loaded with melted lead and heated by coal while matrices were assembled on a casting mold. It was powered by hand to enable the tight casting of matrix mold and melted lead to manufacture types for printing.