◎亞洲 / 泰國 2000年版 / 50銖
Asia / Kingdom of Thailand 2000 / 50 Baht 《泰皇與皇后結婚50週年》紀念鈔… 更多 在泰國,泰王蒲密蓬.阿杜德與皇后詩麗吉的愛情故事,廣為流傳,人人都稱羨這對鴛鴦情侶。九世泰王是位很有才華的青年,文武雙全,21歲的時候,在瑞士超速開車發生意外,使得右眼失明,在康復的過程中,因禍得福,認識了同是王族出身的詩麗吉。泰王與皇后在泰國深具引響力,詩麗吉在泰國的身分就等於泰國人民心中的母親。 The King and Queen of Thailand 50th Wedding Anniversary Commemorative Banknotes
In Thailand, the love story of King Bhumibol Adulyadej and Queen Sirikit is widely known and loved by all, for this royal couple is dedicated to the welfare of their people. Queen Sirikit of Thailand was viewed as the mother among the people in Thailand. 更多精采內容,就在科工館「兩小物采」特展喔!