「鈔票」一詞的由來 中國長期以來都是使用錢幣,直到1853年(咸豐三年),爆發太平天國革命,清政府為鎮壓農民起義,四處徵兵,一時軍費突增,政府在資金籌措無術之下,決定發行以「銀」為單位的「戶部官票」和以「制錢」為單位的「大清寶鈔」供應急所需。… 更多
清政府在發行「大清寶鈔」和「戶部官票」時,沒有預先規劃預備金,且官方也只放不收,而商人及百姓在兌換不到現金的狀況下,開始拒絕使用,到了1860年(咸豐十年),這兩種鈔票形同廢紙,因此停止發行。後來有人將「寶鈔」與「官票」後面兩字合併,即是現在的「鈔票」一詞,就一直延用至今。 A-1 The Origin of “Chaopiao”
In 1853 (the third year of the Emperor Xianfeng’s reign), the Board of Revenue of the Chinese Qing dynasty issued government notes denominated in silver, called ” Hubu Guanpiao”, and in coins called “Daqing Baochao” in order to meet urgent monetary needs. In 1860 (the tenth year of Emperor Xianfeng's reign), the issuance of both banknotes and coins ended. However, the term “Chaopiao” was coined to refer to banknote by combining the second Chinese character of “Baochao” and “Guanpiao.” The term has been in use ever since. 更多精采內容,就在科工館「兩小物采」特展喔!