National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
403 臺中市五權西路一段2號
國立台灣美術館新增了 1 張相片。2016年7月23日下午7:43 · 【日本浮世繪ー東京富士美術館典藏精選展 即日~ 105/7/31】 日本浮世繪中除美女圖和風景畫外,同樣大受歡迎的還有以庶民娛樂歌舞伎為題材的演員畫。演員畫的功能就像現代的演員劇照一樣。江戶地區演員畫的特色是將演員描繪得美化且端正,但活躍於上方地區(京都、大阪)的畫師們更重視寫實地描寫演員充滿人性的一面,在服裝上的描繪尤其精細,並有許多兩幅、三幅相連的連續畫。 Pictures of kabuki actors… 更多 were equally popular as pictures of beautiful women and landscapes. These artworks served the same purpose as stage photographs or film stills of modern day actors. Portraits of actors from Edo (Tokyo) depicted the performers in a beautiful and serious manner, while in Kamigata (Kyoto and Osaka), artists were seeking to showcase the actors’ more human side. They intricately captured the details of their stage costumes, and another notable feature was the prevalence with sequential artworks that came in two or three connected pieces. 戲畫堂蘆幸 Gigado Ashiyuki
戲畫堂蘆幸 〈第三代中村松江所飾之妻子阿德,第三代中村歌右衛門所飾之浮世又平,第二代嵐璃寬所飾之雅樂之助〉(三聯幅)
The Actor Nakamura Motsue as Otoku, the Actor Nakamura Utaemon as, Sawamura Kunitarou as Ukiyo Matabei, the Actor Arashirikan as Utanosuke
木版多色刷 大判錦絵 Color woodblock print on paper
38.9 x 26.2、38.1x26.2、39.1x26.3 cm