國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2016年5月19日上午9:56 · 春秋戰國交替之際,東南方的吳越諸國崛起,以其精銳兵器橫掃中原。附圖的這把劍是越王「州勾」(文獻作「朱勾」,西元前448-441年) 所製的鋒利兵器。傳世尚有多把越王劍,可以驗證古代干將、莫邪鑄劍的傳說。
During the turn of Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, southern states Wu and Yue grew powerful… 更多 and calimed supermacy with their finely cast weapons.
The sharp sword was commissioned by King Zhou-gou (448-441 B.C.E.) of the Yue State. Many of his swords have survived until today and attest to the legends of the two famous mythical masters of sword casting: Gan-jiang and Mo-ye.
【戰國早期 越王州勾劍】陳列室:305
Rituals Cast in Brilliance–Chinese Bronzes Through the Ages
【Sword of King Zhou-gou of Yue】Gallery: 305 (Northern Branch)… 更多