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1644839155858023 時間:2021-11-09 09:00 【服務.城鄉】OTOP設計獎巡禮 從一個派出所的小鍋爐,逐步發展到16家門市規模,所長帶領茶葉蛋躍上世界舞台發光發熱,不但與晶英酒店異業合作,更積極拓展海外市場,為臺灣另類的「卵實力」 【蛋願人長久】四囍蛋禮用一條布巾包裹著「有溫度、有厚度、重禮數」的人情文化,飄香全臺,讓吃下的每一口彷彿都能乘坐歲月時光機,回到那段樸素卻單純美好的年代 【Service.Township】OTOP Design Award… 更多 review Started from a small pot in a police station, Sheriff Tea Egg now operates 16 stores all over Taiwan and has cooperated with a few hotels. Sheriff Liao also has been active in exploring overseas markets, with the hope to bring the tea eggs onto the world stage to show “Taiwan’s power of eggs”. The piece of cloth used to wrap up the Happiness Gift Box conveys Taiwanese human culture of “warmth, thickness and courtesy”. The gift box is like a time machine bringing us back to the humbleness and simplicity of the good old days. #所長茶葉蛋 #SheriffTeaEgg #OTOP #OTOPDESIGN |
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