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1019640664768292 時間:2016-03-25 10:55 【臺北市服務站小編】 「瘋媽祖 x 學華語 x 在台灣 」活動「瘋媽祖 x 學華語 x 在台灣 」活動 2016年,讓我們跟著媽祖一起學華語! Let's learn Chinese and experience Taiwan's Mazu culture together. 在4月9日將舉辦 「瘋媽祖 x 學華語 x 在台灣 」活動。 歡迎各位「外國人」參加!… 更多 一年一次的大甲媽祖文化活動又要開始了!台灣教育部誠摯的邀請在台灣的外國朋友們,免費參加二零一五年四月九日的一日遶境以及華語學習活動,您可以更深入了解媽祖文化的意義,還可以跟著媽祖一起走路體驗台灣風景。 Hello everyone! Spring is here and its time for our annual Dajia Mazu Cultural Festival. This year, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education is excited to invite all foreigners to join this popular Mazu tradition. It’s FREE of charge. Come join us on Saturday, April 9th, 2016 for a fun and educational experience learning about Mazu culture and this exciting festival. Not only will you learn all about this culture, but… 更多 超連結 DOCS.GOOGLE.COM
Fun Mazu xLearn Chinese x In Taiwan 瘋媽祖。學華語 (Foreigner Only)Hello everyone! Spring is here and its time for our annual Dajia Mazu Cultural Festival. This year, Taiwan’s Ministry of Education is excited to invite all foreigners to join this popular Mazu tradition. It’s FREE of charge. Come join us on Saturday, April 9th, 2016 for a fun and educational experie… |
Dajia Mazu Patrol and Pilgrimage Experience Target Survey http://goo.gl/forms/S12gx7z87N |