Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-16 11:00
【政策簡單說】另闢蹊徑 美日聯手搶數位貿易話語權 近年區域多邊及雙邊數位貿易協定漸到關注👀,2019年日本與美國簽訂「美日數位貿易協定」,致力制定全球 #數位貿易規則。2019年美國及日本代表簽署數位貿易協定及換文。 📝根據協定,🇺🇸及🇯🇵在不違反個資保護前提下,推動 #跨境資料流動,且不強制企業將資料儲存於其境內,如此建構有利 #數位經濟發展的環境。… 更多 因應此趨勢,從事數位貿易的各部門企業宜掌握最新數位貿易協定動態,及早因應相關法規,拓展商機。👍 👉詳細全文快點下面連結 資料來源:美國貿易談判代表署 👀Bilateral and multilateral digital agreements and frameworks have attracted much attention in the Asia Pacific region. Specifically, the United States and Japan have signed the U.S.-Japan Digital Trade Agreement in 2019. (Picture: The signature and exchange of the agreement by representatives of Japan and the United States, 2019) 📝According to the agreement, both governments are committed to… 更多
時間:2022-03-16 12:00
【政策簡單說】 『菲』常讚的稅務優惠法案,你知道了嗎? 我要大聲告訴你『菲』常棒的一件事📣📣📣 🎊菲律賓在2021年推出「企業復甦及稅務優惠法案」法案(The Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises,CREATE),企業所得稅最低降至20%,與疫情相關的設備或醫療用品則免稅,減輕疫情影響,進而創造就業機會💵💶… 更多。(菲律賓「企業復甦及稅務優惠」法案之稅率優惠 這部稅務優惠法將嘉惠菲律賓絕大多數微中小企業,也降低投資人對企業稅改的不確定感,無疑在向國際企業👋。想要進軍🇵🇭市場,快來瞭解這『菲』常讚的法案吧! 😉 👉 Hey! I would to tell you aloud one of the great things about the Philippines. 📣📣📣 The CREATE Act was launched in 2021. It aims to lower the corporate income tax rate to 20%, and provides tax exemptions for equipment or medical supplies related to the COVID-19 prevention. The CREATE Act will also help reduce investment uncertainty for SMEs, reduce the economic impact from the COVID-19, and create employment opportunities💵💶. This act will benefit the majority of the Philippines MSMEs, which means welcoming international investors👋. Therefore, if you intend to cultivate 🇵🇭 market, come and learn about the Act! 😉