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7051809288187435 時間:2022-03-30 22:45 披薩邊編:養兒防老到底適用嗎? 分享 東森電視-媽媽好神
披薩邊編:欸斗,那大家紅包會包給爸媽多少呢?<br> 【街頭調查】月給爸媽1.5萬天經地義?老伯:給3萬都應該 採訪記者:呂心喻 李家維
That's why now I'm telling my son, think thru carefully if u desire to have kids. It is parents' responsibility to support the kids in all forms, financially, emotionally. Never depend on the thought that kids will be able to support u back like I don't expect them to. When we bring our children to the world, it is our choice, we cannot treat them as a form of ROI. We bring them to the world, it is our duty and responsibility to support them financially. There is no reason to demand them to return. If they want to show their appreciation, that's great.. if not, don't expect and demand... |