Month: 2021-03

文章 留言
時間:2021-03-25 12:00
國立故宮博物院全球資訊網已開闢了3D文物賞析專區,欣賞3D典藏文物,在家可以把玩「清 康熙 宜興胎畫琺瑯五彩四季花卉方壺」。
3D interactive appreciation of artifact model " Yixing square teapot with flowers of the four seasons in painted enamels " is now available on the… 更多 website. 品名 宜興胎畫琺瑯五彩四季花卉方壺
朝代 清 康熙 蓋面繪月季、菊花和水仙,器身四面以牡丹、荷花、秋葵和梅花等四季花卉為飾。為清代宮廷極為珍稀的御用茶器。 展覽資訊
2020-08-18 ~ 2021/10/31
風格故事—康熙御製琺瑯彩瓷特展 Title Yixing square teapot with flowers of the four seasons in painted enamels
Dynasty Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty The surface of the lid is decorated with China roses, chrysanthemums, and narcissuses, while… 更多
可以下載3D模型嗎? 感覺很好玩