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1899648770050718 時間:2017-12-14 19:10 聖誕節將至,家家戶戶開始為聖誕節佈置,許多商家也紛紛擺上了聖誕裝飾,賣起了聖誕節商品,處處都充滿著過節氣氛。說到聖誕節,您知道聖誕節的由來嗎? 12月25日昰人們紀念耶穌誕生的重要節日,全球華文網特別為您整理了「聖誕節的由來」,一起來看看吧! Christmas is coming, all the families start to decorate for Christmas, many stores have… 更多 put on the Christmas decorations, selling Christmas goods, Christmas is all around. When it comes to Christmas, do you know the origin of Christmas? December 25 is an important holiday for people to commemorate the birth of Jesus. Lets check the HuayuWold out! 【僑教雙週刊-聖誕節的由來】:http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/biweekly/550/d3.htm 【動畫-聖誕節的由來】:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TnyzrDud9E 【短文-耶穌降生】:http://bbreader.blogspot.tw/2010/04/blog-post_14.html |
@{Ching-Shin Hao|chingshin.hao} |