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10159868867761950 時間:2022-03-07 07:51 定宇分享Nikkei Asia的頭條新聞…烏克蘭危機讓東南亞國協對南海局勢十分不安! 俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,強權獨裁者如俄羅斯、中國的單方面企圖改變現狀,很多人都會聯想到台海局勢。 事實上,國際表達憂心的對象不只是台海問題,東南亞國協(ASEAN)10個會員國同樣對南海局勢表達不安,ASEAN將俄國單方面改變現狀的企圖,與中國在南海的擴張侵略行動類比,認為如果俄羅斯的侵略被容忍,恐將對中國在南海的爭議產生外溢效果。… 更多 國際的不安是針對俄、中這樣的霸權國家企圖武力改變國際秩序的憂慮,而國際的有效制裁也必須是對俄、中傳遞清晰的訊息,否則後患無窮。這個訊息就是「不容俄、中武力侵略改變現狀」,否則將會付出他們無法承受的代價,而且他們無法戰勝! Russian, Chinese moves seen as unilateral attempts to change status quo! In the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the 10 member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, are nervous about the implications for the South China Sea dispute. As Russia’s unilateral attempt to change the status quo overlaps with China’s aggressive moves in the South China Sea, they fear that if Russia’s actions are tolerated, there could be spillovers in their neighborhood. |
台灣永遠不會有人,敢向世界宣佈獨立,這是事實 |