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4099056340183500 時間:2021-07-22 16:26 因應疫情衝擊致六月失業率增加,勞動部提出就業三措施 📣亞獵士科技、南茂科技、群浤科技等均釋出不少職缺✨ 📣銀泰科技及合盈光電科技👉️等你來應徵 ※【亞獵士科技】職缺: https://reurl.cc/gW1mj4 ※【南茂科技】職缺: https://reurl.cc/6axl4V ※【群浤科技】職缺: https://reurl.cc/GmOrvA ※【銀泰科技】職缺: https://reurl.cc/dGA5Ag ※【合盈光電科技】職缺: https://reurl.cc/DgE6LR |
請問一下那個青少年才有辦法幫助,老人家就可能失業的話就政府都不會 幫助老人家了。 |
4122099617879172 時間:2021-07-30 17:00 您就業 我獎勵 符合資格的失業勞工向公立就服機構辦理求職登記,經過推介從事特定製造業(如:金屬製品製造業、塑膠製品製造業或電子零組件製造業等),連續工作滿30日,按照工作期間的長短,每月可以請領5,000元至7,000元的獎勵津貼,最高可以領到10萬8千元喔! Qualified unemployed workers apply for job registration with the public… 更多 employment agency, and have been referred to engage in specific manufacturing (such as metal product manufacturing, plastic product manufacturing or electronic component manufacturing, etc.), and have worked continuously for 30 days, according to different working period, you can apply for subsidy between NT 5,000 to NT 7,000 per month, up to NT 108,000. More information 👉https://www.wda.gov.tw/cp.aspx?n=A25A31DE8D66F1C6&s=3788E6E04BC17563 |
那我是不是禮拜一要 去 要先去申請 登記囉 |