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5571197999582985 時間:2022-04-03 19:59 張惠妹爆「傷勢不太好」 被嚴重警告:恐中風!張惠妹爆「傷勢不太好」 被嚴重警告:恐中風! |
#A_Challenge_From_Allaahs_Caliph_Al_Mahdi👑 ⭕👇⭕👇⭕👇⭕👇⭕ In the name of Allaah the One the Overpowering. O mankind in rural and urban areas, I shall say a word -by the permission of Allaah- and His command, and neither I nor you have any choice in the matter and know that everything to do with this matter is in Allaah's hands. So know with knowledge of certainty that Allaah will Achieve His purpose, and you shall know that the bisht (Arabic: بِشت; is a traditional cloak for Arab men) is another sign. Thence, listen to, comprehend, and grasp this news from Lord of the worlds that no pledge of allegiance will be paid to a king in Saudi Arabia after the death of King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud except to Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani. Also, know with certainty of mind that His Royal Highness King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz is dead and his son Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. O people, history is repeating itself! May Allaah Himself fights against you, how perverse are you! You have indeed reminded me of the dramatic play of the living martyr, Ali Abdullah Saleh Affash. Perhaps all the supporters of Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani would like to say: " O our Imam, we are not done yet with the trial of the scenario of the murder of Leader Ali Abdullah Saleh despite the fact that he is still alive for the sake of far-reaching wisdom of Allaah; according to a ruling of yours. Until when we forget him and the people who have greatly argued us worldwide by the death of Leader Ali Abdullah Saleh, we again find them arguing us about his murder, but what do we have to do with Leader Ali Abdullah Saleh?! And now we are running into the trial of the owner of the bisht you wore on the military uniform". Then Allaah's caliph on the world, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, smiles, laughing at your utterance, and says: "O my beloved ones in Allaah's love, I have not done it out of my own accord, and what I know with knowledge of certainty is that there will be no king in Saudi Arabia after the death of King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud because Allaah will grant me dominion over Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and the whole world; Making me His caliph on the kingdom of the global throne of Allaah's caliph on the earth; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, that is the promise of Allaah and He never Breaks His promises, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted: { قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاءُ ۖ بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ ۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ ﴿٢٦﴾ } آل عمران {Say, "O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are Most Capable of everything (26)} 3:26" O my beloved ones in Allaah's love, the ball is in the court of Al Saud (the House of Saud) now, and it is better for them to yield to the fate and pre-destiny of Allaah which as they have no other choice. What is the worth of the kingdom of Yemen and Saudi Arabia comparing to the worth of the dominion of the earth in the whole world? So let the people of Yemen and Hejaz accept Allaah's choice of His caliph on the whole world; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani, and let them all completely enter into submission to Allaah for this is the decisive solution for the whole world, and if you refused, know that Allaah is Almighty and All-Wise and know that Allaah will achieve His purpose. Furthermore, Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani is waiting in full dignity until the Caliphate comes at his doorstep; like it or not! Certainly, fabrications in Saudi Arabia will not benefit them at all and I understand their security situation so I shall choose for them a prince from their family to rule them for a time, a prince who has experienced bitter injustice in order to keep the Glorified House of Allaah safe along with the safety of all of Al Saud and the Arab people of Al-Hijaz; that is His Royal Highness Prince Mutaib Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. However, if Al Saud refused the command of Allaah's caliph Al-Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani like the people of Yemen had done before, so Allaah let them taste the torment of the 3rd degree which they are still tasting until this very moment, (Al Saud would experience the same torment) As for King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, I offer my condolences to the government of KSA and the people of Hejaz on the death of King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud. On the other hand, if Allaah had awakened Mohammed Bin Salman from his clinical death so he received President Abdul-Fattah El-Sisi, let him speak out loud because he is neither deaf nor dumb, but far is that from happening O the impersonator of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, you should be ashamed of these silent, deaf, and dumb videos of you before the eyes of the viewers and Abdul-Fattah El-Sisi certainly knows this. Moreover, allow me to announce the death of King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, and may Allaah bestows His mercy upon him, he indeed torments whomever He wills and forgives whomever he wills. Also, what I want to say is according to my knowledge, fabrications should be used for a limited time; not limitless! And I know you are elaborating fabrications on the hope that the Saudi Crown Prince wakes up from clinical death but far is that from happening... Also, I am afraid for those who elaborate fabrications and turn people away from the signs of verification from Lord of the worlds to be hit by the firm plan of Allaah (COVID) as no one feels safe from the plan of Allaah except the unjust ones In addition, if Allaah had awakened Mohammed Bin Salman, let him speak in a video to the world as we used to see him do because he is not dumb, and these deaf and dumb videos you transmit are a shame on you and whoever helped you fabricate them because lying would not lead anywhere until Mohammed Bin Salman speaks while the Saudi people hear his voice and see him on video; verily Allaah shall cause the truth to triumph through His perfect Words Peace be upon the messengers and praise be to Allaah Lord of the worlds Allaah's caliph and servant; Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed ________________ Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed Al-Yamani 06-Sha'ban-1443AH 09-March-2022 AD 08:41 AM (According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns) |