Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-18 20:00
讓不熟華語的你也能第一時間掌握僑務資訊!😉 ★Twitter@OCAC_Taiwan有什麼內容呢?
不定時發布僑胞權益、防疫政策、華語文課程、僑生招生、僑臺商等相關資訊,歡迎大家關注並追蹤! 趕緊號召朋友一起來追蹤吧!
👉… 更多 ----
[Official OCAC Twitter Account Launched!]✨ We have launched our official English Twitter account [Twitter@OCAC_Taiwan] in an attempt to serve more people in other countries. This will enable people around the world to get our news firsthand.😉 ★What’s on Twitter@OCAC_Taiwan?
We welcome you to follow our news on Twitter. Information including the rights of overseas compatriots, COVID-19 prevention, Mandarin courses, overseas compatriot student enrollment and overseas compatriot businessmen will be published from time to time to keep you updated. Get some friends and follow us at:
Add whatsapp: +86 17364585195