Month: 2021-06

文章 留言
時間:2021-06-09 10:00
【政策簡單說】電子商務 疫情中不可或缺的企業法寶✨ 什麼法寶可以幫助企業在疫情中生存成長?🤔
#數位轉型 #電子商務! ✨(哆啦A夢拿出道具音效) 根據國際統計機構 #Statista統計,2020年全球電子商務銷售額為4兆2800億美元,較2019年成長27.6%,今年預估會提升到4兆8910億美元。除了協助企業銷售提升營收表現,電子商務也可以是企業連結客群和推廣企業名聲的管道👍… 更多 但是,電商可不是上網賣東西這麼簡單,想了解更多嗎?
快上 #中小企業網路大學校 學習法寶的使用方式💁‍♀️ In times where many areas of business are struggling, there are opportunities for others to swim upstream and thrive. One area of business that helps #SME stay flexibility is E-Commerce. According to Statista, retail #E_commerce sales worldwide in 2020 amounted for 4.28 trillion US dollars with an increase of 27.6% compared to 2019, and it’s projected that the sales amount can approach 4.89 trillion this year. E-Commerce not just create an increase in revenue for enterprises but also can seem a way to further connect with their audiences and expand their name. 🔎資料來源:
🔗Forbs 🔎圖片來源:
Statista 2021 , 本研究翻譯整理
時間:2021-06-09 15:00
【政策簡單說】APEC跨域創新生態系倡議 第二彈‼ 還記得去年提出的 #跨域創新生態系倡議嗎❓
沒關係❗ 小編💁‍♀️來幫大家複習一下~
我們去年在 #APEC 提出 #跨域創新生態系倡議,希望透過國內外創新思維與成功案例分享,提升 #中小企業跨域能力建構與競爭力💥 今年呢~我們把倡議升級了🔥
此次倡議希望透過數位平台來促進中小企業跨域創新生態系的發展應用,加速群聚與商業生態系之間的 #鏈結… 更多,加速相關商模、產品與服務創新🤝 大家請隨時準備好! 中小企業處臉書將不定期更新相關資(驚)訊(喜)😉 Last year, we proposed #Cross_Sector_Innovation_Ecosystem_initiative to promote the knowledge of the cross-sector innovation ecosystem. It aims to develop the capacity building of cross-sector innovation and competitiveness of #SMEs through introducing and integrating knowledge. This year, we advance the initiative and propose ‘’APEC Cross-Domain Innovation Ecosystem Initiative’’. This upgraded project plans to promote the adoptions of digital technologies in the contexts of cross-domain innovation ecosystem of SMEs by means of the online platform across the APEC region. It also aims to facilitate linkages of multiple clusters and business ecosystems, as well as to foster relevant innovations of business models, products, and services. Follow us, stay tuned😉