Month: 2020-01

文章 留言
時間:2020-01-19 18:57
守護台灣,感謝有你 2020年是屬於台灣人民的勝利,我們一起為守護台灣打下一場民主關鍵的選戰。 今天陪同蔡英文總統出席高屏感恩餐會,向所有長期支持我們的市民朋友以及辛勞的競選團隊、幹部表達謝意。 從今以後,不僅台灣民主要攜手同行,光復高雄、建設左楠,我們一起繼續打拼!
時間:2020-01-20 22:34
沒想到菲律賓的國防論壇,用定宇接受外媒訪問的話,認同定宇的說法並當成討論的主題,我真的覺得倍感榮幸啊! Below quote are the words of Taiwanese lawmaker Wang Ting-yu, who also heads Taiwan's national defense committee, on what Taiwan should do: “We have to let Xi… 更多 Jinping and the Chinese government understand: If they choose some military way to invade Taiwan, the cost will be so high that they can’t afford it......The United States wants to help us? Thank you. But we understand, the responsibility is on our shoulders.” Just replace the words "Taiwan" with "Philippines" and it actually applies also to our country.
分享 MaxDefense Philippines
Below quote are the words of Taiwanese lawmaker Wang Ting-yu, who also heads Taiwan's national defense committee, on what Taiwan should do: “We have to let Xi Jinping and the Chinese government understand: If… 更多 they choose some military way to invade Taiwan, the cost will be so high that they can’t afford it......The United States wants to help us? Thank you. But we understand, the responsibility is on our shoulders.” Just replace the words "Taiwan" with "Philippines" and it actually applies also to our country. Filipinos have to understand that being independent and free has its share of responsibilities, like making sure we are ready if there is someone who wants to take that away from us… 更多