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4939913219379166 時間:2022-03-13 17:46 《時代革命》電影包場 一起撐香港、一起護民主! 獲頒第58屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片的《時代革命》,是香港人無畏走上街頭,勇敢爭取民主自由的真實紀錄。今天萬堅與正直敢言-林祈烽議員特別包場邀請鄉親朋友們,一起透過大銀幕回到2019年波瀾壯闊的夏天。… 更多 看到寫好遺書的中學生、73歲的老農,到大學生、記者、社工、救護員,還有其他各個領域挺身而出的人們,在面對催淚彈、橡膠子彈、強力水柱,甚至是真槍的攻擊下,即使血濺街頭,仍展現「不割席、齊上齊落」的精神,自主各司其職,與手足們支援著運動的進行。 片中一幕幕抗爭的畫面令人難過、無力又憤慨,卻也訴說著香港人的韌性,以及對民主自由的渴望、對香港這塊土地的熱愛。撼動世界的同時,更警惕了民主自由得來不易,且千萬不能相信中共的承諾。 台灣也曾歷經威權統治的壓迫,在許多先賢前輩前仆後繼的奮鬥與犧牲下,才能有民主自由的今天。因此,面對香港人的堅毅勇氣,作為台灣人的我們不會忘記,也要更加倍努力捍衛台灣的民主自由,並與全世界的民主夥伴堅定站在同一陣線,持續勇敢的向前! (比出5跟1的手勢合影,象徵「五大訴求,缺一不可」) #二度進電影院一樣感動哽咽 #香港人加油 |
I saw lots of people commenting about Thomas Richard that he pays and doesn't demand hidden charges, so I gave it a try despite losing much money to scam in the past and to my surprised I got paid. Truly he pays I got paid several times now. I can highly recommend him for your cryptocurrency investment. Click on the name @{Thomas Richard|Thomas.Richard.5081} |
554258676065433 時間:2022-03-13 19:05 質詢受挫就要找人圍事?到底已經多少次了? 質詢台上是個舞台,本來就有勝有敗,每個委員都經歷過。就算敗了一回,也就是下次靠自己實力討回來就好了。 國民黨真的不要再害萬安了,這種腦衝圍事,只是親手幫萬安貼上撕不掉的「小黨寶」標籤而已。 #我也要總質詢啊 #很多事情要問蘇院長啊 |
I saw lots of people commenting about Thomas Richard that he pays and doesn't demand hidden charges, so I gave it a try despite losing much money to scam in the past and to my surprised I got paid. Truly he pays I got paid several times now. I can highly recommend him for your cryptocurrency investment. Click on the name @{Thomas Richard|Thomas.Richard.5081} |
3118799518367807 時間:2022-03-14 10:36 免費法律諮詢,需要的民眾請參考 3/15禮拜二晚上06-08點 3/18禮拜五下午02-04點 3/19禮拜六上午10-12點 #秀寳真心為您服務 |
I saw lots of people commenting about Thomas Richard that he pays and doesn't demand hidden charges, so I gave it a try despite losing much money to scam in the past and to my surprised I got paid. Truly he pays I got paid several times now. I can highly recommend him for your cryptocurrency investment. Click on the name @{Thomas Richard|Thomas.Richard.5081} |