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1560475347627738 時間:2021-07-12 17:00 【創業大冒險】2021第十屆 #女性創業菁英獎,徵件倒數中!!! 還在猶豫嗎?趕快報名吧! 一起見證女創榮耀,讓世界看見MIT的女性企業永續經營影響力💪💪 來聽聽去年得獎的女性菁英企業家,獲獎之後的心路歷程👀 #第九屆卓越菁英組 施麗月副總經理… 更多 所長茶葉蛋 - 史上最龜毛的茶葉蛋 #第九屆傳承創新組 吳翊榛執行長 卡多良食故事館 只要妳是 🙋♀️身為企業負責人、(共同) 創辦人或董事 🙋♀️商品、服務或營運模式具創新性的女性菁英企業 就有機會成為女創界的Super Star🌟 ❤️報名截止:110年7月20日(二) ❤️報名網址: https://competition.sysme.org.tw #女性創業菁英獎 #機會是給準備好的人 #那個人就是妳 【Startup Adventure】The 10th Women Entrepreneurship Award countdown to the entries! Stop hesitating! You are indispensable!! For year, the Women Entrepreneurship Award has assisted many female entrepreneurs in solving financial problems and overcoming obstacles. We also support them in accessing international resources. Together we co-create and co-share on this platform! Let’s see what the winners from last year have to say😎 This year , we are looking for 🙋♀️ Women business owner, (co) founder, or board director 🙋♀️ Elite women-owned business with an innovative product, service, or business model Don’t miss this chance, go apply now! ❤Registration deadline: July 20, 2021 (Tuesday) ❤Apply here: https://competition.sysme.org.tw 影片
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