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10159755982277973 時間:2021-08-18 08:00 #TaiwanOuting Ep. 6! 臺北以其特有的文化和淨逸的景致被時代雜誌評選為世界百大景點之一。國民黨將帶著大家踏上一段造訪數個知名歷史名勝的尋禮之旅。 我們的腳步由臺北市中心的中正紀念堂啟程,以故宮博物院作為第二站,並於國民革命忠烈祠為這次旅程畫下句點。 這次的影片首度由美籍顧問全程企劃、製作。 使臺灣走向世界,讓世界認識臺灣。… 更多 - Taipei was selected as one of the world's top 100 attractions by Time Magazine for its cultural and tranquil features. The Department of International Affairs (DIA) at the KMT will take you on a short journey and visit some of the well-known historical places located here in Taipei. We start off our #journey with #ChiangKaiShek Memorial Hall located in the heart of Taipei, then to the National Palace Museum, and ended the video with the National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine. This video was produced, for the first time ever, by two of our American colleagues working at the DIA. Bringing Taiwan to the world, and the world to Taiwan. 關於我們: 我們是國民黨國際事務部!本部會定期舉辦有關涉外事務的沙龍午餐演講,希望吸引更多支持者參與公共事務,讓國民黨拓展對外發聲的管道,並和支持者一齊推廣中華民國的民主自由價值。 熱血青年看過來! 如果認同我們的理念,或想對政治時事有進一步的了解,歡迎關注我們的社交媒體帳號! 中國國民黨Kuomintang官方推特 https://twitter.com/kuomintang?ref_sr%E2%80%A6 影片
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