Month: 2021-06

文章 留言
時間:2021-06-20 08:19
在昨晚八點半美國在台協會AIT對外宣布250萬劑將運抵台灣的這項消息之前,國際重要媒體「路透社」(Reuters)在約半小時前就引述美國行政官員的說法,獨家披露了這項消息,可見這消息來源的正確性與權威性! 值得注意的是,這位匿名資深官員以及另一位具名國務院官員在受訪時,透露出美方決定加碼援助台灣的政策考量。我把這些重點引述整理翻譯,跟大家分享。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~… 更多 一位政府資深官員告訴路透社,美國將於週六向台灣運送 250 萬劑 COVID-19 疫苗,這是華府之前為該島分配的疫苗數量的三倍多,該島面臨來自中國越來越大的政治和軍事壓力。 The United States will ship 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan on Saturday, a senior administration official told Reuters, more than tripling Washington's previous allocation of shots for the island, which has faced increasing political and military pressure from China. 這位官員說,“我們的疫苗沒有附加條件,”並補充說台灣“在全球市場上獲得疫苗的努力面臨著不公平的挑戰”。 "Our vaccines do not come with strings attached," the official said, adding Taiwan had … 更多

Exclusive-U.S. triples vaccines for Taiwan with 2.5 million-dose shipment

The United States shipped 2.5 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan on Saturday, more than tripling Washington's previous allocation of shots for the island, which has faced increasing political and military pressure from China.

