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10157967522001065 時間:2022-03-15 19:04 台灣人滿滿的愛心令人感動! 這陣子,不僅是政府捐贈人道醫療物資,支持烏克蘭,大家更是自發性地集結力量,為烏克蘭盡一分力。 因為大家的積極響應,今天賑濟烏克蘭專戶的捐款,已經累積超過6億元。不僅如此,外交部開放民間捐贈物資後,我們也看到,許多父母帶著孩子,提著大包小包的物資,送到外交部,協助烏克蘭度過難關。 大家為烏克蘭共同出力,滿滿的愛心真的令人感動。我要謝謝大家,主動積極捐款、捐物資,讓世界看見台灣的良善力量。… 更多 台灣會持續和民主自由站在一起,也歡迎大家關注外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) 粉專,了解物資捐贈相關資訊,一起支持烏克蘭! 📍賑災基金會的烏克蘭專戶: 戶名:財團法人賑災基金會 銀行名稱:土地銀行(005) 長春分行 銀行帳號:102-005-124-619 📍捐贈物資資訊:t.ly/z1Bf |
@{Wei-Chun Cheng|joey19800106} Hello !! 👋 I apologize for invading your privacy. I used Facebook wisely when I came across your beautiful profile and stylish photos☺☺. Ironically, I wanted us to be friends, so I decided to write something funny in your comment, we could become friends, but my network here was mistakenly affected due to bad data connection That's why I can't send you a friend request, I want you to send me a friend request if you don't mind😎 ... Please, if my comment is extremely unimportant to you, please ignore, thanks. |
@{陳乃瑜 美人瑜媽媽|newsevalynchen} Hello !! 👋 I apologize for invading your privacy. I used Facebook wisely when I came across your beautiful profile and stylish photos☺☺. Ironically, I wanted us to be friends, so I decided to write something funny in your comment, we could become friends, but my network here was mistakenly affected due to bad data connection That's why I can't send you a friend request, I want you to send me a friend request if you don't mind😎 ... Please, if my comment is extremely unimportant to you, please ignore, thanks. |