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2125240154159659 時間:2018-06-12 22:00 最近社會各界,都很關心目前香蕉的產銷狀況,也有很多好朋友提供香蕉的新吃法,無非都是想幫助蕉農行銷。因此有朋友推薦生香蕉帶皮水煮,然後剝皮取肉再沾大蒜、醬油的食用方法,我貼上臉書給大家參考後,卻引起許多誤會,更有惡意攻擊為是要吃香蕉皮。 事實上,香蕉的食用方法本就非常多元,自由時報也曾在2016年6月10日的「食品自由配」專欄中,介紹過「蒜蓉香蕉」的料理方法,與這位民眾推薦的方法類似,讓大家更瞭解香蕉不同的風味。 讓我們一起多吃香蕉、挺蕉農,用具體行動支持辛苦的農民。 |
There are so many other way to enjoy the most nutritiously… 更多 fruit of all , try banana banoffee or banana cheese cake they’re so yummy , promise! or banana vanilla ice cream, deep fried banana, banana milk shakes, crispy honey banana, banana korma curry, banana chilli tumpuru, banana pineapple spicy chutney (goes very well with toast, biscuits, salads, cheese, or use it as dipping sauce). Who ever cares about your own people and community would try everything and do their best to help out each other with action rather than just morning and complain and blame someone else! |