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932519116801470 時間:2015-12-24 21:06 「找回人民的笑容,是最重要的事!」 為便利偏鄉地區鄉親民眾能夠順利考取駕照,今年中旬其昌邀集日南地區九個里的里長辦公室共商研議辦理下鄉機車考照,今日豐原監理站配合地方需求在日南信仰中心慈德宮舉辦,吸引上百名地方鄉親報名考照,許多鄉親都來感謝其昌協助邀請監理站辦理「下鄉考照」,讓偏鄉民眾更便利於考取機車駕照,大家也多一分保障。 其昌這次邀請公路總局辦理「下鄉考照」最主要是要服務偏鄉地區的鄉親更便於考取機車駕照,舉辦前更重新鋪上瀝青、畫線以符合考場規格,籌備的大半年。但看到現場考照鄉親考前那種緊張的表情,到最後考取駕照的喜悅,一切辛苦都是值得,我也會繼續把人民的小事當成最重要的事來拼。 |
I hope you and your whole family will be enjoying Happy New… 更多 Year and Merry Christmas this year also and we are praying to Allmighty Allah to give you thousand years like last year. Santa is good to you this year because you only deserve the best. Please accept happy New Year Merry Christmas to you and yours family. On this special occasion don't forget to help the poor people,widowo,orphans,vunerable. Give your donations to our foundation(Human Welfare Foundation) for those who can't shaare and enjoy the event of Christmas. Your donation of one dollar is to much enough for these peoples. For Donation Log into our URl Thanks. ...http://humanwelfare.donate2.pk/ |