Month: 2021-07

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時間:2021-07-01 11:44
Bloomberg報導中的評論,證實小英總統是一個有絕妙外交戰略的領袖! U.S., Taiwan to Talk Chips, Vaccines as Long-Stalled Talks Begin
美台重啟長期停滯的對談,討論晶片和疫苗 #DC, Taipei agree to working-level talks on range of… 更多 topics
#U.S. cites meat imports, IP protection, labor as key issues
#美方將肉類進口、智慧財產保護、勞工列為關鍵議題 雙邊貿易協議將是蔡英文總統的妙招。 雖然台灣出口美國的大部分貨物已免除關稅,但與華盛頓簽訂協議可能鼓勵其他害怕中國反對的國家加強對台關係,提供台灣政治掩護簽訂更多協定。 美國國務院台灣政策辦公室前主任Christian Castro表示,在拜登就任後這麼快就舉行此會談,表明美台和兩岸關係在過去五年中發生了劇烈變化。他說:「重啟TIFA表明拜登總統的團隊已經接受並延續前任政府的對台政策方針,持續強化美台關係的重要性,並儘可能賦予雙方強化關係並造成實質的影響。” A bilateral trade deal would be a coup for President Tsai Ing-wen. While much of Taiwan’s exports to the U.S. are already tariff-free, an… 更多

U.S., Taiwan to Talk Chips, Vaccines as Long-Stalled Talks Begin

The U.S. and Taiwan agreed to hold regular talks on issues ranging from technology supply chains to meat imports following their first Trade and Investment Framework Agreement meeting in five years.