Month: 2016-12

文章 留言
時間:2016-12-09 12:10
✨2016金點設計獎頒獎典禮✨開場影片由甲蟲創意Bito Studio打造❗
Created by the dedicated and amazing team at Bito Studio, the award ceremony opening video has left everyone in awe!… 更多 影片中,金點穿梭四大設計領域與金箔、藤編、壓克力、清水模、大理石等東方材質,帶領設計師們在天地之間激盪、發掘創意無限的點子!
In the video, Bito takes us on a journey searching for boundless inspiration with a golden pinball roaming across different design categories and materials. 許多人在頒獎典禮看到這支影片都驚艷不已,小編在此帶大家回味一下!
Take a look at this stunning video—may it spark your creativity! #金點設計獎 #華人設計 #GoldenPinDesignAward #GPDA2016 #HuarenDesign