Month: 2017-06

文章 留言
時間:2017-06-11 12:00
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年6月11日上午4:00 · 秦漢帝國時期,鐵器、漆器已被廣泛使用,部分日用器皿也為漆器代替。相反地,在一些新出現的器種和藝術品上,卻用多種裝飾工藝,竭力美化。漢朝時人們大多席地而坐,因此需要鋪席。為了防止草席或竹席的四個角捲翹,因此用沉甸甸的銅製席鎮來壓角,這也是漢代各種席鎮款式盛行的原因。
  With the advent of great centralized empires Qin and Han, iron and lacquer… 更多 wares were widely used. Nevertheless, vessels of new design came with elaborate decoration. People in Han Dynasty sat on the floor, so seating mats were in great demand. As mats were mostly of plant fiber or bamboo weave, weights were placed at the corners where unwanted folds or rolling tended to occur often.
Rituals Cast in Brilliance–Chinese Bronzes Through the Ages
【Mat Weights: “Amalgam-gilt weight in the… 更多