Month: 2020-12

文章 留言
時間:2020-12-05 09:00
█ #g0vSummit2020 Partners 合作夥伴都在做什麼? @國發會 的臺灣首部開放政府國家行動方案 █ 為研擬臺灣首部開放政府國家行動方案,行政院已於2020年8月成立「#開放政府國家行動方案推動小組… 更多」,由唐鳳政務委員擔任召集人,國家發展委員會龔明鑫主任委員及天氣風險管理開發股份有限公司彭啟明總經理擔任共同召集人,方案內容將涵蓋「推動資料開放與資訊公開」、「擴大公共參與機制」、「增加性別及族群包容性對話」、「落實清廉施政」及「執行洗錢防制」等 5 大範疇的承諾事項。 To formulate Taiwan’s First Open Government National Action Plan, the Executive Yuan has formed the Taskforce in August 2020, which was convened by Executive Yuan Minister without Portfolio Audrey Tang and co-convened by National Development Council Minister Kung Ming-hsin and WeatherRisk Explore Inc. General Manager Chi-Ming Peng. The Action Plan comprises commitments in five areas, which are promoting open data and information transparency, expanding public participation in public policy, increasing gender and ethnic groups inclusive dialogue mechanisms, implementing integrity policy and executing anti-money laundering. --
by NDC, partner of g0v Summit 2020.
reviewed by ichieh, pm5, yutin, ky, Peace in accordance to g0v SNS g0vernance
怎麼不敢放蘇貞昌的頭像了 這次?