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2765582903489872 時間:2020-02-06 14:45 In light of the ongoing novel coronavirus outbreak, the government has announced an entry restrictions on foreign visitors to Taiwan. 1️⃣Chinese residents are prohibited from entering Taiwan. 2️⃣Hong Kong… 更多 and Macau residents are required to be under home quarantine for 14 days after entering Taiwan. 3️⃣Foreign nationals who have visited or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the previous 14 days will be temporarily prohibited from entering Taiwan. 4️⃣ Foreign nationals possessing a valid Taiwan Resident Certificate who have visited or resided anywhere in the PRC, including Hong Kong and Macao, in the previous 14 days shall be under home quarantine for a period… 更多 分享 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan)
【入境限制 #納入港澳 ✖️ 口罩實名制】(新制上路‼️) Entry restrictions on foreign visitors to #Taiwan have been extended from #China to #HongKong and #Macao. To stop the spread of the #coronavirus, the Central Epidemic Command… 更多 Center has designated the two locations as Level 2 alert regions. Commencing Feb. 7, foreign visitors who have visited Hong Kong and Macao in the past 14 days will be temporarily not allowed to entry with the exception of residents holding a valid ARC. Such individuals will be granted entry but must self-isolate at home for 14 days and carefully monitor their health. No more visas will be issued even for urgent cases. The restrictions on foreign visitors who have been to China in the past… 更多
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