Month: 2022-03

文章 留言
時間:2022-03-13 07:45

被俘俄兵打回家才知「被認定陣亡」 回家後恐遭槍決

看來你高估了 .. 我只考了299
@{Mercury Shen|mercury.shen.9} Please reply English .. if you are so great for English
@{Mercury Shen|mercury.shen.9} Haha .. you are not just the only one who knows about English. Do you think BCC and CNN trustable? English is a kind of language, it is not the Bible for you to believe all. Do you know that in the history of USA have been mostly in the war outside USA mainland .. if the USA Government is really concerned about human right, why they have made the people and children suffering by the war, they say for Justice, no, it is wholly bullshit, just for their own benefit.. sell more wagons get more money. Please take more your time to know the real world
@{Mercury Shen|mercury.shen.9} 你弄不清重點,談烏克蘭俄國,硬把中國拉進來,試問菲律賓如果被中國欺壓那麼嚴重,為什麼還和中國交好,你知道什麼叫損益表嗎?如果不懂去問懂的人
@{Mercury Shen|mercury.shen.9} 台灣漁船也不是被日本驅趕嗎?也不是被日本糟蹋嗎?還是你認為日本是台灣的主子嗎?
@{Mercury Shen|mercury.shen.9} 學也要本事,明知自己國家處在強國環繞之下,你可以選擇中立自保,可以選擇和平,像菲律賓一樣不選邊站,卻可以左右逢源得到好處,這個總統却選擇靠邊站並不斷的挑釁俄羅斯,把人民帶向戰爭,走向戰場,本這場戰爭可以避免的