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1736238366466007 時間:2018-06-12 18:12 #雙公主會@基隆港 素有基港川金會之稱的雙公主會在6月12日清晨展開。 盛世公主單日入出港人次8245再創歷史新高,出港前特別與鑽石公主尬了一段鳴笛,並再次展現神技於牛稠港迴船,為今日基隆港最吸睛的畫面畫下句點。 分道揚鑣後鑽石返回神戶母港,盛世則繼續沖繩、石垣島這條熱門航線! The meeting of Majestic Princess and Diamond Princess launched in the… 更多 early morning of June 12, on which Trump met Kim in Singapore coincidentally. Majestic Princess made a highest record of 8245 embarking and debarking passengers. Before her departure, the sisters made a horn battle to celebrate their meeting. Majestic Princess repeated her stunning skill to turnaround at 牛稠 Harbour. After this meeting, Diamond Princess went back to her home port of Kobe while Majestic Princess continued the popular itinerary of Naha & Ishigaki. |
請問各位,五點離港是五點才開船離港,還是已經離港,開出去要多久呢? |