Month: 2014-12

文章 留言
時間:2014-12-10 17:27
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年12月10日上午9:27 · 筆有千秋業【民國 于右任 草書 (局部)】(陳列室:204)
Current Exhibit:【Cursive Script (part)】(Gallery: 204)
Yu Yu-jen (1879-1964), Republican period
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 103.3 x 33.3 cm
畫作賞析:… 更多
  于右任(1879-1964),陜西三原人,清季加入同盟會,民國二十年以後任監察院長,擅書法、詩文。于右任書法早期根植北碑,體勢魁偉,並參入木簡,別具神韻,中年以後轉方為圓,並倡「標準草書」。 本幅為王新衡先生捐贈。行筆不疾不徐,神態雍容;結字圓潤,不露圭角,而筆之使轉幾不見起止,樸質蒼雄若書篆籀。書風獨樹一幟,發前人所未有。
  Yu Yu-jen, from Sanyuan in Shaanxi, joined the revolutionary Tongmenghui organization in the late Qing dynasty and later served the Republic from the 1930s as Director of the Control Yuan, excelling at calligraphy as well as prose and poetry. Yu's early calligraphy, rooted in the Northern Stele style, is grand and… 更多
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