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764814520269001 時間:2015-02-01 15:34 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2015年2月1日上午7:34 · 台北市 · 舉世無雙的汝窯無紋水仙盆預訂在2017年上半年出訪,這件稀世珍品目前在205陳列室,屆時將連同其他四件也是存世稀有的汝窯,於大阪市立東洋陶磁美術館展出。這是由故宮與大阪市立東洋陶瓷美術館共同策劃的「國立故宮博物院─北宋汝窯青瓷水仙盆展」交流展覽,將傳世北宋汝窯青瓷水仙盆的時代面貌及文化意義,呈現在日本觀眾眼前。 小編特搜-【北宋 汝窯 青瓷無紋水仙盆】(陳列室:205) Permanent… 更多 Exhibit-【Narcissus basin in bluish-green glaze】(Gallery: 205) Ju ware, Northern Song dynasty (late 11th-early 12th centuries) 汝窯是北宋晚期官方指定燒造的瓷器,以天青釉色著稱。南宋以後數百年來的賞玩家都認為汝窯是宋瓷之冠。汝窯瓷器多半開有紋片,如今傳世作品中唯一沒有開片紋路的,只有這隻本院所典藏的橢圓形青瓷無紋水仙盆。 Ru ware, like this oval basin, was a type of ceramic designated for court use during the last years of the Northern Song period. It is famous for its tianqing, or sky-blue, glaze. Generations of connoisseurs since the Southern Song have agreed that Ru ware is the crown of Song ceramics. Most pieces have a crackled surface. This basin is the only known exception, and is one of the most highly prized works in the Museum’s collection. 圖片
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