Month: 2017-01

文章 留言
時間:2017-01-07 11:00
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2017年1月7日上午3:00 · 本院 北部院區 週六開館到晚上21點(20:30 後停止入館),歡迎大家在週末到故宮來,悠閒地參觀、慢慢地欣賞。今天我們要看的是一件玉器。
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  During the Song dynasty, neo Confucianism thrived;its practical approaches to things, i.e. discovering the fact and essence of truth, prompted an even more comprehensive observation of nature and more detailed description of what was observed. Jade carvings with life-like motifs appeared to pleasantly surprising nuances. For example, the common theme of birds varies in creative execution, adapting the focus to the very function and shoae of each article.… 更多